Tranining and metodology complex

Tranining and metodology complex

Muallif: Abdullayev Sh.V.,
  • Nashr tili: Ingliz tili
  • Nashriyot: Наманган
  • Nashr qilingan yili: 2023
  • Sahifalar soni: 136
  • ISBN: Mavjud emas...
  • Ko'rishlar soni: 212

Aromatic hydrocarbons are compounds rich in carbon, having a molecular ring structure, specific chemical bonds, and physical and chemical properties. The first representatives of aromatic hydrocarbons were isolated from naturally occurring compounds known as aromatics, which have a characteristic long-lasting smell.


"Raqamli kutubxona"

Bilim olishni "Raqamli kutubxona" tizimidan boshlang.
