Professional taqdimot mahorati

Professional taqdimot mahorati

Muallif: Ermirzayev A.,
  • Nashr tili: Ingliz tili
  • Nashriyot: Наманган
  • Nashr qilingan yili: 2023
  • Sahifalar soni: 117
  • ISBN: Mavjud emas...
  • Ko'rishlar soni: 160

This course provides an introduction to the professional presentation skills subject which is designed for the senior students of English philology faculty in order to acquire presentation skills and apply them in to practice. To conduct the most effective written and oral presentations by the means of technology and other supplies, the types of presentations, the style and format is planned to be introduced


"Raqamli kutubxona"

Bilim olishni "Raqamli kutubxona" tizimidan boshlang.
