An Introduction to Business and Business Planning
- Nashr tili: Ingliz tili
- Nashriyot: Bookboon
- Nashr qilingan yili: 2014
- Sahifalar soni: 123
- ISBN: Mavjud emas...
- Ko'rishlar soni: 112
Dr. Jay Dewhurst writes as any strong-minded academic would write, with research and exploration. The difference in this book is that he writes from years of personal experience as an entrepreneur. You are about to gain invaluable knowledge and understanding without having to do all the research… he has done it for you, and has given the subject matter the advantage of his experiences. As a former professor, I will tell you that this book is one of those you will keep for valuable reference for a long time to come. Dr. Dewhurst has spent most of his adult years investing in business ventures. He has become expert in his knowledge of how to begin and cause a business to become profitable. He has been a mentor to scores of young adults who want to learn the unique career of being an entrepreneur. Jay is a world traveler, imparting his knowledge and experience through seminars and workshops in many countries. He is a loving husband, doting father, and grandfather. I am honored to recommend this book to all who choose to read it.