- Nashr tili: Ingliz tili
- Nashriyot: New York
- Nashr qilingan yili: 2017
- Sahifalar soni: 477
- ISBN: Mavjud emas...
- Ko'rishlar soni: 153
Hydrology is a long continuing hydroscience and much work done in this field in the past, particularly in India, was of empirical nature related to development of empirical formulae, tables and curves for yield and flood of river basins applicable to the particular region in which they were evolved by investigators like Binnie, Barlow, Beale and Whiting, Strange, Ryves, Dicken, Inglis, Lacey, Kanwar Sain and Karpov, etc. In this book, there is a departure from empiricism and the emphasis is on the collection of data and analysis of the hydrological factors involved and promote hydrological design on sound principles and understanding of the science, for conservation and utilisation of water resources. Hydrological designs may be made by deterministic, probabilistic and stochastic approaches but what is more important is a ‘matured judgement’ to understand and avoid what is termed as ‘unusual meteorological combination’. The book is written in a lucid style in the metric system of units and a large number of hydrological design problems are worked out at the end of each article to illustrate the principles of analysis and the design procedure. Problems for assignment are given at the end of each Chapter along with the objective type and intelligence questions. A list of references is included at the end for supplementary reading. The book is profusely illustrated with sketches and is not bulky.