Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Muallif: А. Сагдуллаев,
  • Nashr tili: Rus tili
  • Nashriyot: Тошкент
  • Nashr qilingan yili: 2014
  • Sahifalar soni: 74
  • ISBN: 978-9943-01-460-2
  • Ko'rishlar soni: 210

Adopted С 75 on December 8, 1992 at the Eleventh Session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan of the twelfth convocation (by the results of the national referendum hold on January 27, 2002 and according to the adopted on its basis Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 24, 2003


"Raqamli kutubxona"

Bilim olishni "Raqamli kutubxona" tizimidan boshlang.
