International Journal of Education, Social Science & Humanities. Finland Academic Research Science Publishers
- Nashr tili: Ingliz tili
- Nashriyot: Impact factor
- Nashr qilingan yili: 2023
- Sahifalar soni: 9
- ISBN: Mavjud emas...
- Ko'rishlar soni: 142
The article is devoted to the study and scientific substantiation of the integral quantitative assessment of the physical development of students of the Faculty of Physical Culture of Namangan State University according to the data of the Sports and Health Dispensary of the Namangan Region, based on the results of measuring length and body weight, dynamometer indicators and vital capacity of the lungs, transformed into immanent indicators: BMI, ZHI, SI. The results of the study showed that the quantitative integral assessment of physical development, based on the factor criteria of body length and weight, back strength and vital capacity of the lungs, transformed into the body mass index, strength and life indices, reflects the essence of the concept of physical development (human potential). A comparative assessment of the physical development of students indicates the degradation of the physical development of young men in 2011-2021. compared to students in 1999