The art of living
- Nashr tili: Ingliz tili
- Nashriyot: Harper one
- Nashr qilingan yili: 2017
- Sahifalar soni: 125
- ISBN: Mavjud emas...
- Ko'rishlar soni: 159
I first heard Thich Nhat Hanh teach in 1959 at the Xa Loi Temple in Saigon. I was a university student, full of questions about life and Buddhism. Although he was a young monk, he was already a renowned poet and accomplished scholar. That first lecture deeply impressed me. I had never heard anyone speak so beautifully and profoundly. I was struck by his learning, his wisdom, and his vision for a very practical Buddhism, deeply rooted in ancient teachings yet relevant to the needs of our time. I was already actively engaged in social work in the slums and dreamed of relieving poverty and fostering social change. Not everyone supported my dream, but “Thay” (as we liked to call Thich Nhat Hanh —the fond Vietnamese term for “Teacher”) was very encouraging. He told me that he was sure anyone could touch awakening in whatever work he or she enjoyed the most. The most important thing, he said, is to just be ourselves and live our lives as deeply and mindfully as we can. I knew I had found the teacher I was looking for.