- Nashr tili: O'zbek(Lotin)
- Nashriyot: European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability (EJRDS)
- Nashr qilingan yili: 2021
- Sahifalar soni: 2
- ISBN: 2660-5570
- Ko'rishlar soni: 206
The article raises the question of the importance and necessity of innovations and novelty in the learning process, and how these innovations solve problems in education and what they bring to the disciplines. The article considers the importance of the teaching profession in the modern information society. The instruction division has experienced critical changes within the final decade. It has moreover advanced quickly with the changes taking put within the advanced world. In today’s field, you may discover most of the schools and colleges utilizing computerized helps in classrooms. By incorporating innovation into the instruction division, establishing are pointing to progress the finest educating and learning strategies in schools and colleges.