Texnologiya ta'limi praktikumi

Texnologiya ta'limi praktikumi

Muallif: Muxitdinova J.R., Sayfitdinov A.S.,
  • Nashr tili: O'zbek(Lotin)
  • Nashriyot: Fan ziyosi
  • Nashr qilingan yili: 2023
  • Sahifalar soni: 120
  • ISBN: 978-9943-9225-5-6.
  • Ko'rishlar soni: 155

This manual is intended Гог students of bachelor’s degree 5112100- Technological education and 60112300-Technological education on the subject "Practicum of technological education", section "Service work" is a necessary resource in the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills.


"Raqamli kutubxona"


Bilim olishni "Raqamli kutubxona" tizimidan boshlang.
