Information about The Activities of The Spirituality Department
The Department of Youth Work, Spirituality and Education of Namangan State University organizes spiritual and educational activities at the university and coordinates the activities of employees in this area.
The Department of Youth Work, Spirituality and Education of the University is located in room 207, 2nd floor of the University building, located on Boburshokha Street in Namangan.
Currently, there are 4 stylists working in the youth, spirituality and education department.
The head of the department is Joraev Sherali Pulatovich.
Reception days: every Wednesday of the week from 9:00 to 12:00 and on Fridays from 14:00 to 16:00.
Contact phone number +99893 406-71-21.
Email address:
At Namangan State University there are 13 deputy deans of the faculty for youth affairs, spirituality and education, engaged in the spiritual and educational sphere.
The main activities of the department for work with youth, spirituality and education are:
Preparing monthly and annual work plans for the Department of Youth Work, Spirituality and Education and organizing at a high level the activities specified in the work plans;
Ensuring and monitoring the execution of board decisions, orders, instructions, modemograms and phonograms of the Ministry of
Education, as well as orders of the rector at faculties, departments, departments;
Implementation and control of spiritual, educational and educational work at the university;
Organization of spiritual and educational events and various competitions and olympiads with the aim of meaningfully spending free time for young people living in student dormitories;
Monitoring and regulating compliance by professors, teachers, and employees with the requirements of the university charter, internal regulations, and rules of etiquette;
Carrying out propaganda work on crime prevention among students and organizing spiritual and educational events;
Providing assistance in material and moral support for young people in need of social protection in the “Unified Register of Social
Protection” and in various registers;
Organization of various projects and fairs in order to realize the talents of talented youth;
Bringing to students the content of decrees and decisions adopted by the President and Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
Control of execution, registration and accounting of incoming and outgoing documentation of the department;
They support the participation of students and youth in various competitions, competitions, sports games and olympiads organized by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and other high-level organizations.
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