Educational areas

Bachelor's degrees
60110100 - Pedagogy and psychology
60110200 - Pre-school education
60110400 - Special pedagogy
60110500 - Primary education
60111200 - Fine arts and engineering graphics
60111300 - Music education
60111700 - Russian language in foreign language groups
60111800 - Foreign language and literature (English)
60111900- Physical education and sports in preschool and primary education
60112100 - National idea, moral foundations and legal education
60112200 - Physical culture
60112300 - Technological education
60112400- Professional training (technological machines and equipment)
60112600 - Foreign language in preschool and primary education: English
60210400-Design (industrial design)
60210500 - Painting (with easel)
60210600-Graphics (calligraphic miniature art)
60210800 - Applied art (art pottery)
60211400 - Vocal art (traditional singing)
60211500 - Instrument performance (folk instruments)
60212000 - Organization and management of cultural and art institutions
60220300 - History
60220400 - Archaeology
60230100 - Philology and language teaching (English)
60230100 - Philology and language teaching (German language)
60230100 - Philology and language teaching (Russian language)
60230100 - Philology and language teaching (Uzbek language)
60230700 - Applied philology
60310100 - Economy by sectors and industries)
60310400 - Economic security
60310900 - Psychology (applied psychology)
60320100-Journalism (by types of activity)
60320300 - Archival science
60320400 - Library information activities (by types of activities)
60410100-Accounting and auditing (by branches)
60411200 - Management (by industries and sectors)
60411300 - Business management (by industry)
60411700 - Logistics (by directions)
60412200 - Financial management
60420100 - Jurisprudence (by types of activity)
60510100 - Biology
60520200 - Meteorology and climatology
60530100 - Chemistry
60530400 - Geography
60530900 - Physics
60540100 - Mathematics
60540200 - Applied mathematics and informatics
5330200-Informatics and information technologies (by networks and sectors)
60610100-Computer science and programming technologies (by directions)
60610200-Information systems and technologies (by industries and sectors)
60710200 - Biotechnology
60710400 - Ecology and environmental protection (by industries and sectors)
60720100 - Food technology (by type of products)
60720500 - Technology of functional nutrition and children's products
60810900 - Agronomy (by types of agricultural products)
60811500 - Zoo engineering (fishery)
60811800 - Fruit growing and viticulture
60811900 - Vegetable, vegetable and potato growing
60812000 - Organization and management of a greenhouse
60812100 - Technology of cultivation and processing of medicinal plants
60812200 - Plant science (floriculture)
60830100-Water bioresources and aquaculture
60910200 - Treatment work
60910300 - Pediatric work
60910700 - Pharmacy (by type)
60920100 - Social work (working with families and children)
61010100 - Organization and management of hotel housekeeping
61010300 - Sports activities
61010400 - Tourism (by activity)
61020100 - Life safety

Master's specializations
70111201-Fine art and applied decorative art
70220301 - History (by direction and type of activity)
70220401 - Archaeology
70230101 - Linguistics: Uzbek language
70230101 - Linguistics: English
70230101 - Linguistics: German
70230104 - Literature (Uzbek literature)
70230104 - Literary studies (English literature)
70230501 - Ethnography, ethnology and anthropology
70310102 - Economy (by industries and sectors)
70310901 - Psychology (by types of activity)
70311001-Sociology (by directions)
70420101 - Advocacy activities
70510101 - Biology (by science)
70530101 - Chemistry (by science)
70530402 - Geography (by subject)
70530901 - Physics (by directions)
70530904 - Physics of renewable energy sources and sustainable environment
70530905 - Physics of semiconductors
70540101 - Mathematics (by directions)
70540201 - Applied mathematics (by fields)
70710401 - Environmental protection (by industries and sectors)
70812101 - Technology of growing medicinal plants
71010101 - Hotel establishment and management
71010301 - Sports activities (by types of activities)
71010304 - Development of popular sports and promotion of healthy lifestyle


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